Golden Codes of Shamballa Powerful Plus +11x(Extra Strong)
Shamballa is a higher spiritual dimension, a space of Infinite Light and Infinite Love. Great Teachers inhabit it, human beings who have fulfilled the obligations and lessons of earthly life. From this high dimension, with the greatest love and compassion, they guide humanity on the path of healing, spiritual elevation, and enlightenment.
Golden Codes of Shamballa and are keys to energetic healing, purification, and empowerment.
This program activates the following codes in every part of us as past - present - future and in all parallel realities of the space-time continuum. Integrating the shadow aspects on all planes of consciousness now and for all eternity.
- Brief instructions for the Codes:
To enhance the process, it is suggested that you read the codes yourself. You can do this before or after the video, or independently whenever you want.
Read the entire code: the word "Shamballa", the numbers as you perceive them at the given moment - for example, "77" is "seven seven" - and the quality / function of the code that follows.
Read the entire session, each code once, but slowly and meditatively. The codes at the end are for frequent use, and when used individually (using one or a few codes rather than the entire session) it is best to repeat each one at least three times to express its full force.
Shamballa 12 divine spirit
Shamballa 1212 supremacy of spirit
Shamballa 12121212 divine vibrations, clearing of blockages
Shamballa 4 grounding
Shamballa 7774 trust, acceptance, letting go
Shamballa 9994 faith
Shamballa 1112 change
Shamballa 1012 upliftment, elevation, dawn
Shamballa 7777 shower of love
Shamballa 7788 emotional wholeness, clarity, harmony, healing
Shamballa 8899 mental wholeness, clarity, harmony, healing
Shamballa 8809 physical wellness
Shamballa 333 joy
Shamballa 96 serenity
Shamballa 99 euphoria, rejuvenation
Shamballa 555 comprehension of a situation
Shamballa 557 mental balance
Shamballa 63 healing of the female energy and female aspect
Shamballa 73 healing of the male energy and male aspect
Shamballa 884 healing of the inner child
Shamballa 8801 rejuvenation
Shamballa 0011 heal the past
Shamballa 9900 heal the future
Shamballa 11 12 11 holographic and quantum healing and clearing
Shamballa 11 11 44 44 relaxation
Shamballa 11117 spiritual, energetic, mental awakening
Shamballa 4567 emotional upliftment, recovery from sadness, negativity, grief, attachment
Shamballa 7788 emotional wholeness, clarity, harmony, healing
Shamballa 8899 mental wholeness, clarity, harmony, healing
Shamballa 333 joy
Shamballa 96 serenity
Shamballa 3388 empowerment of harmony, serenity, peace, freedom
Shamballa 3393 empowerment of joy and bliss
Shamballa 7 808 angels of love, peace, and joy
Shamballa 7 8000 angels of wholeness, good fortune, protection, and happiness
Shamballa 5555 optimal communication
Shamballa 5555 333 communication, peace, serenity, joy, clarity, patience
Shamballa 448844 independence, rights, strength
Shamballa 449 endurance
Shamballa 774 hope
Shamballa 776655331 forgiveness, release
Shamballa 3383 empowerment of friendship
Shamballa 3322 empowerment of creativity, strength, talents, self-confidence, and self-worth
Shamballa 3377 energetic empowerment, upliftment, rejuvenation
Shamballa 3310 empowerment of body
Shamballa 3388 empowerment of harmony, serenity, peace, freedom
Shamballa 3393 empowerment of joy and bliss
Shamballa 983 forgiveness of the self and liberating consciousness from all kinds of negativity
Shamballa 66 77 88 healing of fear and phobias
Shamballa 779900 invocation to the spiritual laws and the divine rights
Shamballa 77 77 77 00 11 triple purifying, healing, and empowering shower of life-force energy, light, and love
Shamballa 66 99 balance of the energy centers (chakras)
Shamballa 66 99 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 balance of the energy bodies and of their elements
Shamballa 00 10 balanced and complete integration of the Shamballa Golden Codes within the body, the energy system, the mind, and the spirit
Shamballa 00 11 deeper grounding of the Shamballa Golden Codes
Shamballa 00 12 greater manifestation of the Shamballa Golden Codes on every level and for every occasion
Shamballa 00 11 11 22 immediate manifestation of the Shamballa Golden Codes and of their beneficial effects
Shamballa 00 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 harmonization and alignment of the person with the Shamballa Golden Codes on all levels
Shamballa 000000 booster, and harmonization of all of the Shamballa Golden Codes
Shamballa 10 10 10 10 May the highest plan, the highest good, and the Divine Will