TM Shape Powerful For Men Plus +11x(Extra Strong)
This file is designed to help guys develop a fit body especially those who have difficulty gaining lean mass.
Main Benefits :
-Increases the density and sensitivity of androgens at all sites except the -Scalp and prostate
-Facilitates the gain of muscle mass
-Increase in lean weight
-Elimination and prevention of gynecomastia
-Increased muscle explosion
-Muscle fiber enhancer
-Improved muscle regeneration factor
-Perfect balance between hormones
-Increased Testosterone
-Increased HGH
-Increased DHT
-Increased Trenbolone
-Increased Boldenone
-Increased Deca Durabolin
-Increased Stenabolic(SR9009)
-Increased Trestolone Acetate (MENT)
(added protection against side effects)
-Creatine increase 5g per play
-Increased BCAA 5g per play
-Glutamine increase 5g per play
-Increase whey protein 20g per play
(added overdose protection)
Use as you want