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Powerful Heart Rebirth Plus+11x(Extra Strong)

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Powerful Heart Rebirth Plus+11x(Extra Strong)

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This program is part of the album "The Rebirth"

The Heart Chakra is located in the middle of the chest, at the level of the heart. Its color is green with shades of pink and gold, a soft and healing mixture. It corresponds to the air element, and its main function is to metabolize the energy of love. The personal power to love and be loved is awakened in this chakra.

The corresponding gland is the Thymus, which has the function of strengthening the immune system. Touch is the sense that corresponds directly to this chakra.

Its task is to unite in harmony the three lower chakras and the three higher chakras, resulting in harmony and full wisdom.

It is the mediator between the body and the spirit, and is called the gateway to the soul, or the dwelling place of the soul.

The Heart Chakra is directly connected to the heart - blood, nerves, blood vessels and circulatory system. It determines your health and strength.

Heart Chakra in Harmony

The Harmonic Functioning of this 4th Plexus promotes the view that people and everything around us are our fellow beings. Unconditional love, compassion, oneness, empathy come naturally, and forgiveness has easy space in this energy center.

The Heart Chakra, as it is also called, holds in it emotional power, hope, trust, surrender, acceptance, inspiration, compassion, and the ability to say yes to life.

Through this energy center, we have great potential for change and healing.

Imbalanced Heart Chakra

The faulty functioning of this chakra usually greatly compromises our joy and the flow of abundance and love. When unbalanced, it causes sadness, difficulty in forgiving, judgments and harsh criticism related even to the person.

It also generates hostility, self-centeredness, resentments, deep fears, bitterness, inability to love oneself, to love others and to receive love.

On the other extreme, when it works in excess, it usually leaves the person vulnerable, needy, and dependent on the love of others.

The health problems related to this chakra are: respiratory, heart, asthma, allergies, lung and breast problems, back and shoulder pain.

How to improve the functioning of the Heart Chakra

In the very first place, we should turn our attention to clearing negative emotions such as hurt, manipulation, unbelief, mistrust in life, lies, rejection, fear of suffering, loss, punishment, revenge, and much more. In other words, recovering the lower and upper chakras.

"Do I love myself?" or "Why don't I feel loved by myself?"

Other good questions to answer are:

Do I receive affection and gifts easily?

Do I love the other even if they don't agree with me?

How do I feel about forgiveness?

Do I trust myself?

Am I loving towards myself and everything around me?

How do I feel in my emotional relationships?

Am I too needy?

Am I still repressing loving feelings and attitudes? Why?

What may be perpetuating in my daily life that I recognize as a belief from the past?

Do I easily accept the will of the other? Do I do only the will of the other and forget about myself?

Do I give affection, attention and respect to people in general? And to myself?

What loving and positive feelings am I not nurturing about myself?

Can and do I allow myself to choose to do differently? What would that look like?

Am I being compassionate, or am I judging everyone and everything?

What am I getting out of my behavior?

How can I be more creative in this self-inquiry?

This file activates divine fire directly in your Heart (maybe you feel whole body warm) incinerating any and all energy, karmic attachments, dissolving all parasites, energy suckers,blockages.

Main Benefits :

- Heart Power Purification

- Heart Heavy karmic cleaning

- Heart Cleaning, Opening, Energizing

- Heart Raise Vibration

- Archetype the perfect Heart

- Works by dissolving any and all blockages in this region over day weeks, months until it clears everything


-Thymus gland healing

-Heart healing space

-Healing self rejection

-Healing rejection of the pleasures of life

-Healing rejection of father, mother, family (because it interferes a lot with the self-realization)

-Healing rejection about money, love, material goods

-Healing sub conscious/inconcious rejection (when you want something but it is so hard to get it, it is because you have some rejection, some part of you that needs love/attention/after healing it you get what you want. it is this for every thing in life first heal whole rejections after healing them).

-Self love


This will make you look at your problems with different eyes and accept and understand that what was created in the past cannot be changed, but you can do differently in this opportunity that you have now.

-Acceptance of others (non-judgmental sense)

step by step to self healing:

1° accept what you have done,suffered, or failed to do in the past other lives or in this one.

2° not only accept, but honor and respect your pains because they are you.

3° Love yourself more, take care of yourself, do the things you like, forget about others for a moment, look at yourself more.

Exercise the mirror for 21 days(Please try it maybe can help you a lot. ):

Repeat: I (your name) want to say sorry for all the experiences that cause us pain, suffering.

i today honor and respect each one of you because i understand that one is us.

i also want to thank you because it made me grow, it made me change so i am extremely grateful for all my experiences of the past, present, and future.

I am here with an open heart to say that I am sorry, please forgive me, I am very grateful to you, I love you.

Once a day is enough.

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11 minutes
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