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The wounded Healer Powerful Plus +11x(Extra Strong)

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The wounded Healer Powerful Plus +11x(Extra Strong)

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The wounded healer

Chiron is an asteroid located between Uranus and Saturn. Since its discovery (1977) many speculations have been raised in the astrological scope regarding its influences. The positioning of Chiron reveals where we possibly have wounds, what hurts most in each of us. With that, this influence guides us through a journey of suffering and liberation during life, always changing the perception we have about things in a constant re-examination that inspires acceptance and evolution.

Astrologically, Chiron symbolizes a kind of "wounding" in the Sign and House where it is positioned in the birth chart. It opens talents and abilities for the person to help others, but denotes a certain difficulty in healing their own wounds.

Chiron can be considered your Achilles' heel, where a weakness is exposed and where a healing is needed. Chiron is also the physician. While showing us where there is weakness and pain, he reveals healing in the sense that by becoming aware of it, you can heal yourself, you seek your own remedy. The ability to solve your pain is better when you get involved, from the awareness, with other people who have the same pain and take care of them.

Chiron's influence can indicate problems, wounds that are always open in a certain personal area. These wounds can literally be physical or psychological, but the fact is that the person may find it more difficult to heal them. However, Chiron also brings abilities so that one is able to solve problems in the lives of others, but have a little more difficulty solving problems in one's own life. The ability to overcome comes precisely when you help someone else overcome the same pain. As you provide help to others, you can find your way to healing their issues.

For example, the individual may be a great teacher, very good at helping and teaching his students, but who can't realize his importance and can't help himself with his own teachings. In other words, Chiron helps us to see and care for the needs of others, but creates a barrier for us to care for the open wounds that he indicates. To provide help means to open a way to heal our wounds. Some say that in reality, Chiron makes us heal others in order to achieve our own healing.

The Myth of Chiron

The idea of "healing" that Chiron carries in its basic meaning is based on mythology. Quiron would be a Centaur who was under the tutelage of Apollo. The Greek God taught him to be half man, half horse, things he could only learn over several existences. Thus, Quiron became a teacher, a doctor, a musician, a philosopher? In short, a true wise man.

One day, Chiron saw another Centaur wounded by a poisoned arrow. When he tried to help him, he cut himself and the poison ended up in his veins. The irony is that Chiron used all the knowledge he had acquired from Apollo to heal the other Centaur, but could not heal himself. To make matters worse, Apollo had granted Chiron immortality, meaning that the poor Centaur would suffer for eternity because of the wound that would never heal and the poison that ate away at his insides.

To escape this endless suffering, Chiron made a pact for the freedom of Prometheus, who had stolen the fire of humanity and was therefore imprisoned. He would trade his immortality to see Prometheus free again. So he finally died and became the constellation of Centaurus.

For all this, the position of Chiron in the birth chart indicates the field where the person has some kind of ability, talent, but cannot use them for themselves, only to help others. The tip here is to always try to act in the area of your influence with positive energies, using your abilities for the benefit of those in need. After all, it is by giving that we receive. In this way we can achieve the healing that we also need.

Main Benefits this Program:

- Quiron's healing process in the 12 houses

- Awakening the inner healer
-Active inner healer

- Quiron Balance

- This file is programmed to heal all negative aspects of chiron

- Chiron tension relief

- Enhancement of emotional, mental, spiritual healing

Once a day is Enough

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