Blue Flame "1st Blue Lightning" Powerful Protection Plus +11x(Extra Strong)
The angels of the first ray can deliver us from spiritual problems, but they can also act on the physical plane.
The Elohim Hercules of the 1st ray, was the only Elohim of God who incarnated on Earth. In a saying given by the messengers of the Great White Brotherhood, He tells us, "we are known as the most physical of the Elohim. For by our own ray, (God's most physical ray), we stand together of planet Earth and to its physical bodies."
The same is true of Archangel Michael and his legions of angels, and of El Morya Khan, the Chohan of God's 1st ray, for planet Earth. They are with us!
We are in Armageddon, and we need to count on St. Michael in every hour and place we go. Don't think that you can call on God's number one archangel just in your hour of need, and get the same result as you would if you did it consistently on a daily basis.
We need to create a bond with the Leader of the armies of the Lord. And this will only happen when we talk to Him, wherever we go. The more we direct our attention to St. Michael, the more He can work in our lives. St. Michael brings us much more than protection and divine direction, he can open the doors to all the other rays.
Hercules, El Morya and St. Michael are the door to the ethereal world. Because they are more physical than the other rays, they can attend to us more readily. Hercules says that when nothing else works, we can call on Him.
First Ray: Chohan Master El Morya, Divine Complement, Master Mirian
Protectors: LordSyrius and Lady Sirius
Temple: Temple of Divine Will
Location: On the Etheric Plane, above Darjeeling, near the Himalayas, in India
Flame: Blue
Attributes: Power, Strength, Divine Will, Faith, Divine Order
Key Music: Pompand Circunstance and Land of Hope and Glory (Elgar)
Key Music of Divine Complement : Panis Angelicus (Franck)
Keyword: The one that opens the door
Chakra: Throat
Sound: Gregorian chant
Day of the Week: Sunday
Regency: The Sun, which throughout the ages and in the course of many civilizations, has always been revered as the most perfect visible manifestation of God
Symbols: The Holy Grail (the Christ Consciousness) and the Sword of Light (Excalibur)
Perfume: Hay
For difficult moments when we have tried everything and have not succeeded in getting rid of the evil and now apply to the first ray. the ray of power, protection, comes with all the good will to help you just that you want it.
Power Activation :
Extreme Protection , Power, Strength, Divine Will, Faith, Divine Order
Play once a day and be under the protection of the first ray throughout the day.